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World-Building: Religion?
Monday, October 20, 2014 | 0 Word(s)

On my verge to creating things beforehand and during some brief writing, I am going in to the depths of my world and starting off with this lovely subject: Religion.
Because, in my eyes, religion shapes a lot of things in our world. Even those who aren’t religious know that a lot of things happening in our world is due to religion. Even if we can live without, live with, or even just have it there – religion shapes a lot of people and even gives some the courage to question and fall out of love and in to a less-fantasy type and in to a hard reality.
I’m hoping to depict my world (since I claim it’s the true sister world to Earth) as something very similar to Earth itself; Christianity is a basis for their main religion, so it draws questions. There are also religions against its main one, ones that are completely different, ones similar, etc., - like Earth.

            For choosing the name, it took me quite some time. I don’t know if I actually had the first name written anywhere, but I had an idea of it and it disappeared. So I searched and searched entomology, name generator sites, reading, etc., because the theme of the beginning of the religion is “Greek, Latin, and Hebrew to the be the focus of originating origins” as well as other language/culture-types. I base a lot off of Greek here, and there’s a reason behind it, I promise.
            But as for the name, my temp name was “Artifric”, which then reminded me too much of “artifact”. So, I kept searching. I ran across Pagan things, which is an influence on a lot of the Avix, Varem, and Kavon culture as well as their main style. I wanted to have a basis for the main religion to be pagan-influenced, as well as Christian influenced. And I didn’t want to copy by saying directly “Oh, they’re Christian, while they’re Hindu” or something. But my basis is influenced by a lot of religions and cultures, and you can guess why.

            “Starting from a shaman, spiritual, and somewhat logical ethically based idea, Five Elders created a language amongst themselves, claiming “our Father taught us”. Johanna, Darius, Theodoracius (later Theodite), Samaria, and Dag were claimed as the leaders of their village. Not long before they were claimed and after they arrived did they find out that everyone in the village had weird things going on with them. Each one had powers, some kind of trick, or just something plain odd about them.
                Johanna, who had immunity as a top thing (she didn’t know) lived longer than most in the end; she was able to heal quickly, not get sick, and not get weak. Darius, her love, was strong and smart – abnormally. He figured out a lot during his reign – he made heat lamps, using his fire skills. He helped build places and dig and move things. Their son, Akhen, held the power of immunity as well as a new development in power: telekinesis. The name for it came about after 200 years of Akhen’s life. Unknowingly, Johanna had a daughter with another man and she adopted the name “Nyko” after the beautiful creatures they found.
                Samaria, a beautiful, yet fragile lady, had the same powers as Akhen, but never told of it until Ahken developed them at the young age of 23. She and he trained together for years and young Ahken married her at 30, where she was 50. Samaria already had two children with a man who ended up disappearing just after the second birth. The births weakened Samaria, but Ahken brought life back to her. The two children, Minami and Uuren, had no telekinesis, but they had air powers. They founded and claimed a lot of land known as “Varem” and even Minami’s new hometown, Minami’s Cross.
                Theodite, who was strong in fighting, died before his child was ever born – his daughter was born to a young girl who had the power of water. Though no one ever mentions this lady, she is the true Realm creator of Mox, thanks to her powers and their daughter, Moxidite, or Moxy.
                Dag, an older man, had already given three women children and didn’t care. He was the first to show signs of mental illness, that (not even when the Healers learned their powers) could they fix. The Healers began recording such things and kept track throughout time. Dag killed himself at 76, and left the world with four loves, and 12 children, 5 of which began noble compared to others. The main child that showed amazing powers was Remiel, who was an Oracle.”

- Is your religion based on truth or myth, or a combination of both?
– Who began it – a divine entity, or a person seeking something?
– What is the purpose of the religion? Is it there to help people co-exist better, or to spread a divine truth?
– If you had one rule to concisely portray the purpose of your religion (think something like the Golden Rule), what would it be?
– What does the religion offer its followers to draw them in?

[ The Creator / Pateras “father” in Greek ] – main religion of Evexia ; like Earth’s God.

“The Creator” and their Bible is very similar to the forms of modern day Christianity on Earth. Though it holds much like it from both the Old and New Testaments, there are parts that are unlike it, also. The books of the Bible are separated in to four books.
> Creation, Era of Light, Era of Trial, Revelations

1.       The religion itself, which was first called “Sahandadite” after the 5 Elders, was changed later on due to the arguments over the name origin. “Kalothinism” which is a word that refers to the religion, the people, etc. The Bible is the Bible, just like for Christians. Their God is “the Creator”, which is similar. Kalothinism is a combination of Greek words “kalos” and “thinatos” which represents good and strong. The men of the second generation of Elders created this and since then, everyone refers to it as that.
2.      Truth, myth or both? Both. The truth behind it is the fact that there was and is a Creator of their worlds, but a lot of the stories told over centuries are rewritten, changed, etc., and though they keep the same story value and characters, some things are overdone.
3.      Who began it: Like Christianity, they tell of two people, a man and a woman, who began life in the middle of the world. Johanna and Darius, young people, were set in the world and given basic principles to life; a mindset to know right from wrong and have basic instincts. After having their first child, they happened upon a village. Life really started from there, and over time, when people claimed someone spoke to them, they all talked about first being there. How did they get there, etc. Johanna and Darius, along with other elders, told stories about a father figure bringing them to their first home and teaching them to live.
4.      Purpose: With Kalothinism, people live by good morals, try to aim to be the best they can in life, give to others, help, and live for their Pateras, who watches and guides them. They say he has a path for them and that all their bad luck is from him telling them they are either doing badly or not following the right path.

The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.
Kalothinism is believed to portray good natural, helping hands, kind hearts, and wise souls. Those serving their Creator live a humble and holy life and it reflects off of them.

An organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.

Kalothinism – founded by the first 5 Elders.
Geneism – founded by a descendant of Uuren, lead in Varem for decades, if not centuries. They believe in the Creator, just not how he thinks.
Thycinity – created in Kavon, but later it spread to Kavon as well. It is based on another God, who brought everyone there for a reason and wants them to protect his world and his children for life or until he moves them again. This is a worldwide religion.
Adhenite – when the Adhenes were found and told their name, a group in Avix lived there and worshipped them. They called their home “Forest of Adhene” and recruited people to live there as well. In the end, around 300 years later, the city was large and suddenly disappeared and no one knows why. There were scriptures, statues, books, and more left behind, but no bones or trace of life.

Earth religions:
Agnosticism: Belief that (1) God, if it exists, is by nature unknowable and will always be unknowable, or, (2) that the individual being asked cannot conclude if god exists or not for lack of evidence one way or the other ;; same in Evexia, first questioned in the village of the first 5, and carried down. An Earthling that wandered to Evexia told of the same in their home world.
Ancestor Worship: Belief that good relations need to be kept with tribal ancestor spirits. Often a form of Shamanism
Brahma Kumari: This group is preparing to rule the world after a coming apocalypse, and embrace many practices which are now called New Age
Christianity: Belief that a single creator god had a son, Jesus Christ, born to a human mother, and that Jesus' crucifixion by the Romans brings salvation
Confucianism: A collection of ethical and moral teachings
Hinduism: Cultural religion of India which was historically decentralized and disparate and not a single belief system. Western influence made it into a single religion, an identity which Hindus now accept.
Satanism: An atheist religion that uses dark and evil symbology for self-development and anti-religious purposes - Satan itself is not a real being, just a symbol.
Islam and Buddhism:

Dualism: Belief that either (1) There is a good and evil god of equal, or almost-equal power, or (2) there are two gods, such as a male and female one
Spiritualism: The belief that the souls of the dead communicate with the living, mostly through Mediums, but, suffered serious credibility problems with the original founders admitted to fraudulently inventing the 'rappings' that formed the communications
Wicca/Wiccan: Neo-pagan organisation based around reconstructed elements of folklore
Witchcraft: A description of various cultural practices, which are often part of a parent belief system

Shamanism in Siberia:
Spirit journeys. (Re-acting their dreams wherein they had rescued the soul of the client)

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