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Smut Readers/Writers Questionnaire
Sunday, November 30, 2014 | 0 Word(s)

Stolen from the wonderful DGNA_Forever, you can check out the post here.

This is questions for all the smut writers and/or readers out there!!!
If you are only a reader, you can skip the questions for writers, and vice versa.

When did you first read and write smut? [State your age]
First read it about 12/13 years old because I was in a chat room and they linked stories to fansites, websites, etc. My Meme (who is basically my mom) was always very open about things like sex and whatnot, but I got to see peoples’ impressions and ideas through it.
I started writing at 15/16, maybe? I rarely write it.
Also, I’m 17 right now.

State the reason why you first read smut.
Because of a chatroom, then childish curiosity.

What is the title of the first smut you have read?
Pshh… how can I remember?

What is the title of the first smut you have written?
Uhhh… “Friendship Hides in the Dark” – it’s in a folder and not published.

 [For YAOI readers only] Name your favorite stories.
I never enjoyed yaoi because people always added weird kinky shit, and #no. But I had one that was a 2Min fic (first one on AFF I ever read) and the story line was good, so-

Is the first story you wrote/read straight/yaoi/yuri? Name the pairing.
First story I officially wrote all the way through was called “Unforgotten” and it was a young girl and I go through her life up until not long after a love thing. It was a straight pairing.

How do you get ideas and inspirations to write smuts? Do you watch porn or read smutty stories?
I have done both (and laughed with a couple close friends about it). Porn is an inspiration for outlandish and erotic types of sex and it isn’t too real. Smutty stories tend to lead to that and all of it is just for pleasure. So, I don’t really aim for that. I aim for more realistic things happening, so research was a thing and I can technically be a certified sex-ed lady because I know so much.

Do you really get turned on when you write or read smuts?
Eh, no. Things are usually not my cup of tea or just… bad. I liked one fic (find here) that was pretty… interesting, but good.

Is smut your favorite genre of all?
Hahahah- no, no, no. Fantasy, comedy, scifi – all those beat it.

Who is the best smut writer in your opinion? [State for each of this: yaoi/yuri/ straight]
I don’t really read it, so I don’t know?

Any last say?
Uhm, probably woulda answered better if I kept up with reading smut. Hah.

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