Super Kawaii Cute Cat Kaoani

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This blog is to keep track of my writing (from Oct. '14 onward), saving tips and tricks I find, little rants or raves, and so on. If you don't like it, kindly leave. I am a fangirl and reviewer, so do tend to post on that note as well.


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Quiz Time: #?
Saturday, December 20, 2014 | 0 Word(s)

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Either asleep or just waking up.
2. Who are you in love with?
Secret. ;)
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
The flowers on my pencil case, the flowers on my desk mat, pink in my old drawing-
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
it's been awhile...
6. Are you wearing socks right now? 
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't know?
8. When was the last time you drove out of town? Last week?
I’ve never driven out of town..
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No. I went to see Mockingjay, but that was the day it came out. And it's been almost a month.
10. Are you hot?
hot as lava. B|
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Sunkist Orange soda.
12. What are you wearing right now?
House shoes that are eaten up by puppies, blue shorts, a baggy St. Patrick's Day shirt and undies.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
Car wash.
14. Last food that you ate?
Last night I snacked on wheat and gluten free Snickerdoodle cookies. Mm~
15. Where were you last week at this time?
Taking a freaking test.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I can't remember wait yes.
17. When is the last time you ran?
I have no- this is pink.

[[the rest are OLD ass answers from when I was in a RP. I'm too lazy to redo it right now.]]
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
sports are a waste to me, so nothing. Except a short football game when I was waiting for a family friend to leave.
19. What is your favorite animal?
white tiger, frogs, turtles, cats.
20. Your dream vacation?
Ohhh gosh. Probably to go to South Korea, visit that Hello Kitty place, visit all the other places I have on my list that are located in Korea, go to a fanmeet there (I wish ;~;) and stuff.
21. Last person's house you were in?
My great grandparents because they literally live next door.. at least a few yards away.
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
I had a hairline fracture on my right shoulder and I went without going to a doctor for a week and a half. That or my strained ankle.
23. Have you been in love?
Yes. Teenage/Puppy love. I was naïve and stupid. *I’m 15, but bishes, I am mature thanks to life u-u*
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Quite a few people.
25. Last play you saw?
Probably the opera at Tulsa. That counts, right?
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Chloroform and a bag.
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Well obviously~ I’m going  to sleep with my new, fluffy, pink pillow and my stuffed elephant. B|
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
I have never had a Myspace account really.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
Probably for another treatment. So~ two weeks from my last treatment which was.. a day last week.
30. Ever go to camp?
Nope.  I was supposed to but backed out because I was shy as fuq.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What do you want to know about the future?
when the hell my effing disease stops being a bitch to me and lets me be normal. u_______u
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
I was earlier. It was.. something.
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
Okay. I’ll briefly explain. *clears throat even though I am typing* I go to the doctor every two weeks, have been for 4 years. Click this if you wanna know wae. So, yeah.
35. Where is your best friend?
Well.. irl she is living her teenage life with her ‘not cute, but cute’ bf (that’s how she describes him, yes). And my other irl/internet bestie is like.. being a rabbit. Jk. She’s dealing with her mofo ‘rents. ewev
36. How is your best friend?
Bob is.. idk. She never talks to me. Being isolated sucks. And my tokki saeng is.. from what I’ve read.. dealing with shit.
37. Do you have a tan?
haha. no. I can’t tan unless it is a spray tan.
38. What are you listening to right now?
myself breathing. and the voice in my head. Nu-nu-no. Don’t think I’m crazy~ Try reading this stuff without that little voice iny your head. You’ll get what I mean.
39. Do you collect anything?
Hello Kitty. Frog figurines. Cat figurines, trinkets, blah blah. Purple stuff. Hats. Scarves. Jewelry. Perfume. Candles. Food in my stomach. That doesn’t count, nvm. I used to collect all that stuff and now my room is a museum of things.
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
I haven’t personally.
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Like  a boss, yep.
43. What does your last text message say?
Wellllll~ It was a text from that tokki saeng and I didn’t reply. I’m nice, right? Yep.
44. Do you like hot sauce?
On tacos.
45. Last time you took a shower?
This morning?
46. Do you need to do laundry?
AHAHAHAA You want to see my room? It answers the question.
47. What is your heritage?
okay. I am Chickasaw, which is Native American, and I have Scottish and Irish background. So Chickasaw + that equals me being pale, with freckles, red hair as a child, and yeah. Woot.
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I sure hope so.
49. Are you rich?
me, no. I’m broke. My great grandparents.. heh. e-e
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
I was awake. And prolly talking to my squirrel unnie.

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