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Lilac Update...?
Thursday, December 11, 2014 | 0 Word(s)

    Hello, my wonderful friends~! <3 ^__^
    First off, to those who still comment (which I appreciate so, so, sooo much), did you know my name is Zoe? Did I ever formally introduce myself? To all the older applicants, I did and we became everlasting friends, so with the rest of you, I hope that I can be that way, too!

    Anyways, it's around 1.30 AM where I am and I'm working on things... and thought, "Why not write a tiny Q&A for Lilac and about me, sort of." And here I am! So, just some small deets and whatnot... you know, just because.

frappemono: Woot, woot! <3 Oh, no no~ Thanks for reading my lameness. Ahaha. But I feel that! I never read anymore... except my review job, but whatever. I get you entirely! But it's okay to be gone for long periods. Just don't stress!
    Danbi and Naleen seem like the two most obvious choices, so I went away from them. ^^ Want me to add more Got7? I plan to anyways but knowing this makes me happy! I couldn't really decide who to partner up as friends, but I think I got this down. Heh. And Eunmi is great! <3
    Thank you for thanking me. Ahahahah- I'm weird, oh well. But I hope to write more. Even for a couple people! I always write for myself, but having a supporter makes my day better.
   Oh and Thanksgiving is over. It's... near the end of November here. I'm awful for not remembering the day. But you celebrate and eat food. The thing is that when the first pilgrims came to the US, eventually there was a peace treaty type of feast and from then on they celebrated the day giving thanks. Might Google it since I only briefly explain. ^^ It's mainly food and saying thanks and prayer. America in a summary, tbh.

glance: You! Thank you a bunch! Heerin is a precious character and I love writing her, so yeah. My crazy flows in to her crazy. :))

becausesuga: ahahHAH you are precious! I already replied but eheh, it's still cute! Abby ftw, huh? Fighting! I hope to make much more drama in the future. Any celebs you want to see?

TINA: Did I never replY?! Oh no! But aside from Arisu and Daeun, no one really "leaves" officially. I plan great things for the characters! /nods happily/ Now there is a new project though! So I'm excited to show it. Heh! x) And what hinting? Ahahah. Ehh... the other trainees are parts of things especially for them, so in a way, yeah! STAY HEALTHY TOO AND YES THEY ARE SPICY. <3

1. When, why, and how did "Lilac" get started? 
    It all started with me and a close friend, whom I call Linsay unnie or Squirrel, and we talked about doing an apply fic for a girl group. She and I are always supporting U-Kiss and their extremely hard work in the music industry! And with apply fics, U-Kiss was far from popular; all you ever saw was SM Ent. and YG getting the apply fics because their fan bases are greater than NH's. So... we decided upon our U-Kiss faves (even though Linsay was highly favoriting Infinite at the time and I refused...)
    We decided upon "LilacHeart" as the name, originally. It was described as "a heart that isn't like everyone else's and is a calm, not overly girly or sexy tone." And that's what we dreamt up for Lilac. However, Linsay never really updated and she only helped me with ideas. But I still credit her forever!
    LilacHeart, after talking to lovely subbies and friends about the name, concept, and et cetera (I like being interactive... ^^) - there was a decision of shortening the name to Lilac [라이락] because it was easier to chant. End of story on that one. And "Hearts" was mainly for the concept title, and not a special title anyone ever referred to after that.
    WHEN it started was late 2011, early 2012. I hadn't heard of EXO or SM's plans yet, so after creating the idea of putting up both a Korean and Chinese based group, then hearing of EXO, I was astonished! I freaked out completely... and made use of this humor in the fic by displaying a similar (dramatic, at that) attitude in Eunmi. Eunmi's creator, Tina/Sumi, is a lovely lady and I hold her dear to my heart after all this time. Thank you for letting me use your character so gratefully over the past few years. ^^
    Also, original Lilac applicants are shown throughout the story, too, but as rivals, trainees, etc. So any random really isn't a random, so to say... they're an applicant who sadly didn't pass my requirements. But I still try to do justice!

2. Why I removed Vizio, the power vocal and Korean-dumb Chinese leader, and Yoo Sawng, the shooting star Umma from America.
    Vizio's creator, another lovely person, had applied A LOT to stories and we talked and she always gave the best feedback by far; and after doing all I could, and seeing her character in other stories she applied to... I backed out and removed Vizio. For the sake of creativity and giving other characters a chance, I do think Vizio is a great character and shows a lot of passion and emotion, but I don't think her character should be in a girl group. She is too rambunctious and favors acting highly over girl group jobs.
    Yoo Sawng, on the other hand, was a hard decision. Yoo Sawng was the Umma (mother) and the real leader of Lilac, whether the title was there or not. She was from Nevada, USA, was mixed and was a good, stable character... but I felt too bland after a while. I never did her justice and I'm so sorry to the creator because I fail... Yoo Sawng will still get her happy ending... just not as a Lilac girl. I place her as studying in the US while all of Lilac's new things take place.

3. Why didn't you remove S.Me, Eunmi, Bae Kyon, or Chaerin? Why not start over?
    Too much back story and detail already worked out. Though I hate some of the stuff I wrote back in 2012, I find it soothing seeing how far I've come and how I've changed the girls along with myself. S.Me (Esme), is a bright light that never dies out, yet she is the emotional one and isn't looking for a Prince Charming; Eunmi has found her inner strength to go out and get what she wants and fates finds her happily; Bae Kyon was a debatable one. Mikunnie is her creator and thank the Heavens for this wonderful woman! I adore her and hope we remain friends for life! But for Bae Kyon, I ended up feeling like I was making her too innocent, or too arrogant, but then I thought about the whole "Ice Princess" thing going on with Eunmi, too, and they were so similar. I dn't like the overused stereotypes, if you didn't know. And I really considered having Bae Kyon back out or something drastic happen. I hope I can advance Bae Kyon further, but I don't know. As for Chaerin, I about took her out, too, but then I realized she and the three current are super close and she wouldn't give up for the world... so why should I? Chaerin was my character and bares all the details of my life, except for a few. She's the most racially diverse of the quad and I made her act arrogant and bossy. So... the four are similar and I always questioned my decision, but I think having four 18 y/os try to navigate the KPOP Industry and do a reality/variety show over choosing newbies would be fun. Wee ones like them always have something coming up in their lives, right?

4. How are you deciding who to let go?
    I decided early on who I wanted in Lilac. Then I redid it. Then I redid it some more... And finally, after what? Two years, I get down to business and say, "Hey. I'm going to finish this and let the winds steer me to victory!" And my battle cry was released!
   But! Let me give you this: Daeun and Arisu are old applicants. Daeun is like Chaerin and Eunmi completely, yet older and her motherly instincts are more defined in this. Though she's the reigning queen of old trainees, she will be sent on a new, happier path, I promise! As for Arisu, she was basically Bae Kyon except not Japanese and was much more reserved. I never rooted for Arisu, but I wanted her there to show that every kind of girl type was up for the positions. Arisu, to me, just didn't click.
    And after redoing the list of who gets in so much... my final choice would be shocking to 2013 me! I have the story lines plotted, just need to get some writing done, huh? Sorry about that... But! Christmas time is going to be our awesome anniversary of the beginning of this crap, so, YAY! <3
    Also, the girls who eventually get chosen are for talent and strength alone, and the ones booted get a surprise, so... nothing ends bad. Except, maybe a few things? ;)

5. Personal life:
    So, here's me: I'm Zoe. Except, two dots over that 'e' in my name. I am seventeen and much wiser than I should be... given the fact I've had to grow up since my diagnosis of a disease in 2008. I've never had a normal life since and never got to experience the full pre-teen and crazy teen years. Though this year is hectic enough! Drama, drama, drama, guys! I'm a Senior in high school and it's awful. You learn a lot, but man... the work is ridiculous! They act as if we have no lives. But, my state and the US is a bunch of wimps compared to places, so I digress...
    For me, personally, I do sing and dance and have always dreamed to be a famous dancer (mainly ballet but thanks to my disease being a muscle disease... that shit went out the window fast!) - I created the group with my own character to live out the world in my writing. So I made it really fanfic like, but aimed for reality instead. I have talked to a few K-Idols personally and it's fun, but such a pain in the neck sometimes... the industry is crazy and hard to get in to if you want to be "that" type of famous, you know?
    I speak some Korean, have lots of foreign friends, speak some Spanish, love writing, love anything artsy, have had one bf in my life, kinda anti-love so it's hard for me to go all mushy in fanfics... yeah. You can add me on Kakaotalk though, searching my usual username. Heh.

6. To the creators and my opinions on the charas at hand:

>> Dryopenclud | Jung Daeun, whom I name Dami, is my favorite dancer and a very lovely chara. She's so casual and laidback and I'm sorry for the injustice I've done by not accepting her fully. ^^;;;
>> 1kissinlove | Ahn Naleen Seuli, whom I adore wholeheartedly, like- whoahoho~ This girl is on fire and I have Chaerin nickname her "Hoe-bag" since you gave her the nickname of Pumpkin, which in Korean is "hobak", so the similarity, you see? I adore her, even if she's an ass that I've created her to be.
>> DalHeera | Sephira Kanes, my sweet. You, creator, I have not seen in many a year. But Sephira lived from my other apply fic to now because of my adoration that burns so bright, but is probably a dwarf star or something, I don't know. Sephira is great and I appreciate all the detail you supplied me with.<3
>> EunMi_stitch | Seol Eunjoo, the Aussie. She's the Kevin Woo lookalike, I swear! And she's so dumb in Korean culture, even though she studied hard. And her back story now is such a fave that I cry internally!
>> Deedarling/becausesuga | Lee "Abby" Naera. I thought, at first, I wouldn't add her, but after some adjustments and making her my "Gangnam/SM reeking girl", I played and had lots of fun with it. Abby is another fave and I hold her up on a pedestal because of all the joking I make of her. She's so young and even down to the laugh you showed me for her... <3
>> islandgurl212/glance | Choi Heerin, another Chinese beauty that is so loving and elegant with everything. I try to work her Christianity in there for her (hint) and want to display her variety show powers and the Busan accent, so I'm going to really enjoy this girl to the ends of the story and back!
>> Pinkblooded | Song Hyemi; I really hated the idea of idolizing Hyemi since she's a star, but I thought of how the media would do it, and I made her look so amazing and confident, yet have self doubt and show that, so did I do well? She's a actress, now girl group trainee, and she knows the pain and how to act in front of cameras. I think she's adds to the mix. ^^
>> frappemono | Moon Danbi / Bee. When I first started the drama between Bee and Naleen, I was a bit frightened that the creators would punch me through the internet because I made the two seem so... vicious. But trainees aren't the sweetest! They have to survive and show what's best. Plus, Danbi is one character I love to put up in the spotlight ALL THE TIME! From her wit, to her nicknames, to her obsession over weird things such as Pokemon and lollipops (like a child, heh.) - I try my best to show her off.
>> -Donut/poopsama || Kim Kyunghee, Aulaire. You are a dear friend to me, Ria, and having to show off a girl so much like you and so distinct with her ways and not the cute and clumsy girl everyone expects... thank you. <3
>> LoveLikeLucifer | Bae Arisu. Your character was great! I just... had to let her go since I felt I'd do injustice with her, too, having another innocent figure to display alongside Arisu. But thank you! <3

7. What are the other applicants' charas?
    Emily Devereaux / Emi Roh 의미롷, the tiny and young Viet-Canadian native. She gets close with BAP and Nu'Est
    Kang Chanbyul / Belle, Ailee's star chld. She's from Ohio, 17, and part French. She is a K-Idol lookalike to many!
    Lee Byungrin / Violet / Vi, the violinist who strives for glory. She nearly dies during training.
    Oh Chaerin / Cherry / Aerin, the young face who is much like Belle, but an Army brat.
    Go Rina, DV's Ulsan beauty and former YG star face.
    Chae Minjung/Yoon Seungri/BabyMinn, the fierce original of HelloVenus and an almost playgirl for After School. She's Kahi's favorite. Created by MiniiPandaa.
    Ahn Yoonji / Nixie, the nerdy rapper who tries her best to get facetime.
    Jung Maehwa, the close friend to Lilac's girls and S.Me's lookalike; she's a '97 liner and screams a lot.
    Joon Minhae / Kiara, the vocals of DV. She likes to shine, is from Seoul, close to SHINee, and a pretty face.

    Lee Namgyu / Leah, 14, was in SM and replaced by Lami.
    Park Minah / Marina, from Russia. Scouted by Starship and caught in a scandal.
    Nessa Miriam Tan / Tan Nanzhi, the Native American slash Chinese chick who fights.

And yes, they have relevant meaning, cough thanks tina cough heh. ^^

Thanks to MultiPersonailty, Yoo Sawng's creator, Tina/Sumi, SweetSabry, Mikunnie, 1kissinlove, DalHeera, EunMi_stitch, becausesuga, glance, Pinkblooded, frappemono, Ria bae, bunnyxwarrior, Dryopencloud, LoveLikeLucifer, Friendship_Luv, Maehwa's creator, MiniiPandaa, RadiantBelle, Skulls, exopanda, aesthtcs, chokoreto, liliazforever, Umi-Archangel, xingbae, Baby99, -mayvees, Happy_Virus_21, Linsay unnie, poster makers and whatnot. <3 Even though it is a small family, it's one I treasure so much! I love you guys from back then until now.


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