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5 Things About Me (+ you might not know)
Friday, September 30, 2016 | 0 Word(s)

     September 30th, 2016.

     So, since life has been interesting and with writing (and lots of thinking and personal stuff going on), I happened to think last night: "What would learn about me first if we just met? What do my friends/family collectively say about me/introduce me as? What would it take time for people to learn about me?

     Basically, my mind was stuck on those ideas until I fell asleep. I'm going to write it hear -- to document it, y'know -- and look back one day and go, "Wow. I was more normal back then." Or, hopefully, not as weird. But... doubt.

5 Things You'd Learn About Me After First Meeting Me: 
1. My name is Zoe. Usually spelt with two dots over the 'e'.
2. I have this disease called JDM (and I'll probably explain it) and it is a GIANT part of my life.
3. I am constantly looking into others' eyes; to listen, when I'm talking, etc. It's just something I do to let others know I'm paying attention or that I'm focused on them. Unless I'm nervous.
4. I'm an open book. Seriously. Ask anything, Zoe will answer. Woooot~
5. I'm a cat fanatic. Byeee.

5 Things People Would Tell You About Me:
1. I'm friendly and like socializing - most times, anyways.
2. I have JDM.
3. I speak Korean and am a big Korean friend. I have been around to see people (friends) say this to strangers and I'm just like, "Why must this be my identifier?"
4. I'm smart, and sometimes too smart for my own good. This also leads to me being a smart-ass and sarcastic.
5. I have 50 cats and will never have children. I'm the literal crazy cat lady you hear of.

5 Things You May Learn About Me:
1. My grandmother (Meme) is basically my mother. She and my Papa raised me. He is now dead. So, there you have it.
2. I love dance too much. I have danced since I could stand and never stopped, even when my mobility was shitty (thanks to JDM).
3. I am Native American. Chickasaw. Boombayah, babes. B|
4. I am a history nerd and am fascinated by anything historical or ancient; I want to be a part of historical societies, too. I'm just not too interested in some history things that happens to be focal topics in high schools for numerous years.
5. I AM A HARRY POTTER FANGIRL FIGhT MEeE; Ravenclaw, Thunderbird, ebony wand with a unicorn hair (I think), cat as a pet (preferably Talon, my black baby), and I'd be able to see Thestrals. I was born a year after the Wizarding War that killed Voldemort. I'd also be attending Ilvermorny.

5 Things You May Not Know About Me:   
1. I have anxiety and depression; anxiety is terrible; had teachers and "friends" tell me I was faking it and using it as an excuse. Thanks, everyone.
2. I read Tarot cards (gotten better, ya haters). And I predicted the date my Nannie would die and left them alone for months afterwards.
3. I have a reputation at OU Children's Hospital; most know me as Dr. Sestak's kid, and with that they know I'm the girl with such a high pain tolerance that I didn't realize my shoulder was broken for over a week. Heh...
4. I am terrified of heights. I love the views, but my subconscious says, Hell no.
5. I wanted to do ballet, gymnastics, cheer, dance, acting, fashion design, singing, rapping, adventurer, director, and many more things as a child. I still do. I dream of being everything.

5 Things People Assume About Me:
1. That I'm nervous. Because I shake. Or twitch. I have neuropathy, so I shake and my limbs go to sleep or malfunction and twitch. It makes me nervous that my nerves act up.
2. That I'm forever a crazy cat lady. Though I am, I'm not crazy and I only want like... 5 cats.
3. That I speak fluent Korean. No, guys, I didn't magically suck up all the knowledge of the language, otherwise I'd have learned Spanish by now or Italian or Greek or Tagalog.
4. That I'm too lazy and very spoiled. For one, I am lazy, but will do things that need done. Two, I am strict with money, strict with bills, strict with a lot of things, so don't assume because I bought a bunch of sweets or extra cat items that I am spoiling myself. Or that I do that 24/7.
5. That I'm not "sick" and I use it as an excuse. Even when I was uber red, splotchy, had contractures, was walking on my tip-toes, I still had people say I wasn't sick. No, I just dyed my skin, decided bending my limbs all the time was cool, and that nearly falling over a lot was hip.

5 Flaws I Have:
1. I curse way too damn much. And I'm not sorry for it.
2. I get louder and louder if angry, if someone isn't listening, or if I'm in such a chatty mood. I think I picked it up from my friend... damn you, Ambam.
3. I can ignore texts for days. Sorry.
4. I am a know-it-all and psychoanalyze things without realizing it. I'll fact check someone or contradict them or anything of that sort, get a look, and then realize I messed up with my brain... again.
5. I procrastinate. Way too much. Waaaay too much.

5 Things I Obsess Over: 
1. Coffee.
2. My cats. They are my children, sue me.
3. Any music I find and love.
4. Pillows. I have to have a good pillow. Always. About 20 of them.
5. Fanfictions or books that are overlooked but very worth the read.

5 Things I Say Too Much:
2. Idk / I don't know
3. Saranghae - 'I love you' in Korean.
4. lmao
5. Stop it!


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