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The Steak to Whoever's Potato
Saturday, June 6, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

     Now... I'm all about Buzzfeed and blogging about my finds on the site. I'll move on from BF to other places I frequent, but lately... BF is the bomb.
     I came across a lot of fun quizzes and amazing articles today, amongst them some of them I can't share on my FB page without my Meme critisizing it (I'd still post regardless, but I'd hate to make her feel uncomfortable, honestly.) So, I came across "Which Adorable Food Are You and Your BFF?"

     Me and Kristin. Me and Meme. Me and Becky. Me and Amber. Me and both Marandas. Me and Kat. Me and Kira. Me and my cat - Talon.

First off, I shall note the questions and answers (or you can look at the quiz and see.)
>> Choose the one word that best describes your friendship. [Classic, inseparable, different, fun, deep, complementary, consistent, mature, entertaining, comforting]
>> Choose an activity you'd enjooy together. [Kayaking/Rafting, drinking coffee and chatting(?), dancing like sassy latin dance lovers, antiquing, moving shit, hiking, reading and on the internet whilst laughing together, bouncing on balls, one playing cello whilst the other plays violin, painting.]
>> Choose your team name. [Partners in Crime, Dynamic Duo (actually a fave korean group of mine), Salty & Sweet, Debate Team, Kindred Spirits, Soul Mates, Power Couple, Bosom Buddies, Co-Captains, Double Trouble]
>> Choose a pair of animals. [Wild horses, dog and cat, tiger and lion, otters, two dogs, two chicks, two llamas, bird and a rhino, eagles, two cats]

So, first off I went for me and Kristin and though I know she'd get a different result than me (because we can't agree most of the time, jk) I got the Steak and Potato. Obviously she's the potato. I'm kidding even though she'd be all "I am" or "I am jk thanks for calling me a potato" -- I am a potato. Or steak. We'd both fight over who is the potato. "This relationship is characterized by strength (and starch) - your time together feels very consequential. This friendship takes up quite a bit of space on your plate, but you're OK with that - it's worth it." We have talked every other day (or nearly every day literally) for years now and we know each other like the backs of each other's hands and sadly enough this was our first year to legit talk on the phone together and not be awkward.... Kristi. We can literally chat for hours which turns to years but once we talk over a phone call it's like "hi" snickersnicker "that's a rock on the ground" awkward silence "this wind is crazy" - our lives. We are the two alpacas - spitting on each other and causing mayhem and still we are inseparable and/or always picking on the other with love and neglect.

     As for me and my Meme - the older, slightly opposite lady whom I love - we got Mac and Cheese. "You simply can't be apart - it's impossible to separate you, because you've blended together into one delicious friendship. You value warmth and comfort." Out of all of the options available, I'd probably be disappointed to learn that we were anything but mac and cheese. Tbqh. One without the other isn't right... unless you just love cheese, in which case we both do, so. We hold the "inseparable" friendship, would go antinquing (more likely to move shit, thanks meme), are definitely not Sweet & Salty because we're both salty and somewhat sweet- I called us Bosom Buddies for obvious reasons... we both have giant boobs.
     Moving on to me and my twin soul, Becky. Oh my God, Becky, look at her butt. Deep relationship, because we aren't classic and always doing stereotyped friend things, aren't inseparable unless we're together, we aren't different, we aren't fun lmao jk, we are consistent, but not too much so, and we are mature but bleh. As for activities... I would refuse to kayak/raft/etc., and we would dance but I'd probably complain about the others there, too. I'd refuse to move shit, and I think she'd object, too. We won't bounce on balls. We shan't hike. Unless we're stranded. We would play the instruments as a way of murdering and torturing our enemies. Main goal: reading and tumblr. End result after continuing on? Steak and Potato.Becky is the Steak because she is red meat, strong, fiesty, full of flavor, and I'm the potato because I'm raw and round.
     Time for me and the inconsistent Ambam. We are not classic, or inseparable (anymore, I need freedom), we are different, we aren't fun bc I poop parties, she is far from deep and mature, I compliment her and she... not me. We're not consistent. We are annoying, not entertaining. And we aren't comfy - just annoying. Activities? I would not kayak or like to hear her complain over coffee, or dance with her, or hear her complain over old ugly things, or move her shit, or hike, or attempt to make music, or paint; let's bounce on balls. Result? Steak and Potato. Dafuq.
     Me and my cat now. Because I can imagine my results for both Marandas...
     Spaghetti and Meatball. "When one of you is alone, everyone asks where the other one is. That's how close you are - you can't be separated. Your friendship is a true classic." I'm sure if she was a human, things would be much like me and Kristin or me and Amber. There is no in-between.

Last note: why is the meatball eating the spaghetti? 



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