Super Kawaii Cute Cat Kaoani

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This blog is to keep track of my writing (from Oct. '14 onward), saving tips and tricks I find, little rants or raves, and so on. If you don't like it, kindly leave. I am a fangirl and reviewer, so do tend to post on that note as well.


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2 AM, French, Cats.
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

    From a bed time of 12.32 AM, after watching shows with my Meme and playing endless games of Solitaire, I wound up updating my review stuff all while growing restless and sleepy. Much to my agony, I found out one of my favorite fanfic writers is back to get another review and I really just want to pause time, read it, and then go to bed--- but now it's way past 2 in the morning and my cats are even acting up and playing wildly.
    I've decided, on that topic, that I'm going to jot down some drabbles based on my kitty world and involving all the cats from history to current and no more, no less. Everyone's got to love cats, right?

....sadly, they don't.

    But, as a note to my future self, staying up to read and review fanfiction isn't bad. Just make better decisions via priority-wise than what you have been. You can read that fanfic some other time and review it and play Obama games on Inkagames tomorrow. Rest, little friend. And I shall now.

     I don't speak French or type it, but the little words I know aren't even close to being typed out. But they mean "farewell". And  farewell for now it is. ^w^

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