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Night Time, Quiz Time; I'm A Shadowwalker
Friday, May 22, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

     As a moment of boredom (not really) and then switched quickly to me just trying to stay awake... I'm venturing back into Buzzfeed to take some quizzes! Aside from trying to get my online writing career under way and into commission, I might as well update my blog, too. Besides... I decided today was the day I'd return to Facebook and-- well-- I'd rather be on Buzzfeed.

Quiz #1; What's Your Dominant Character Trait?

Factor has the biggest influence on your life?
> Your Friends (considerably), Your Parents (hahah-), Your Job (what job?), Level Of Education (meh), Where You Live (nah, there are januses everywhere), Signifigant Other (hahaha-)
>> I'd probably say my friends. My parents aren't really as much of an influence, and my Meme is like a mother and bestie mixed together-- I learn from their mistakes, but having people like me, like my friends are, is something that helps influence my lifestyle and choices. Some things you can only speak to friends about... not parents. Plus, everything else should be irrelevant minus the whole "where I live" thing.

What's the best way to put your mind at ease?
> Read a book (sometimes, but only depends), Go for a walk (used to be the cure), cuddle with a pet (no- even though I have one, no-), smoke some weed (haven't ), meditate, talk to a friend....
>> Read a book. Although cuddling a pet has some benefits for the well-being and ease of mind, I have too many cats and sometimes the cuddles are annoying... and I usually read to distract myself.

Choose a Disney villain with a distinct personality?
> Ursula, Yzma, Hades, Jafar, The Queen of Hearts, Madam Mim?
>> First off, I delete three automatically: Jafar, because he just sucks. And is like a pedo. Then the Queen of Hearts, because I don't care for her. Madam Mim, either. So, it leaves me to some of my favorite villains in Disney: Ursula, the queen of evil; Yzma, the deranged yet brilliant scientist; Hades, the sassiest God ever. I think I may go with... Hades. The sass wins.

What food do you connect to on a spiritual level?
> Pizza, wine, coffee, chocolate, cheese, guacamole?
>> At first I assumed this would be a bullshit question. Then I saw “coffee” and melted because... for three years or more I've been known as a “coffee addict” jokingly by friends-- otherwise, I'd go with guac. My stepmom might go for wine, my friends for cheese or chocolate--- me... coffee.

What do people like most about you?
> Your sharp wit, your adorable awkwardness, your idgaf attitude, your silly nature, your compassion, your limitless intellect?
>> This is a conceited question because... how do we know what others like without taking into consideration of what we like most? I have no adorable awkwardness, my idgaf attitude is seen as being a bitch, my compassion comes and goes, I have no silly nature, my intellect is not like Sheldon Cooper's, so... my sharp wit.

What's your biggest fear?
Pain, the unknown, being alone, failure, death, rejection.
>> Psychologically, and just as a trigger, we are all afraid of most of the things listed. Death is an all-too-common fear, rejection is a fear, failure is a fear, being alone is a fear, the unknown is a fear, and pain is a definite fear since it hurts. For me, pain is nothing; the unknown is intriguing, being alone isn't too scary, failure is life, death is inevitable, and rejection is scary. Rejection, I suppose.

Do you have more regret for the things you've done, or the things you haven't done?
>> Haven't.

>> Awkwardness.
>>> Whaaaaat. “You may not be the most socially graceful person, but you're absolutely adorable-” Well, thanks? “Sometimes you act a little weird, but who doesn't?” Eh, true. “You're a delightful dork, and people love the little quirks that make you unique.” They also get annoyed because I'm bitchy, sassy, and speak my mind. Plus I do annoying things, so-- But I'm not too awkward. I'm decently surprised by this one.

      From “15 Straight Males on the Coversof Gay Magazines” to “Are You More Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson”, Buzzfeed feeds all interests and even puts ideas in your head that you didn't know would be so inticing (the gay article-- best thing to cheer up a sleepy and cranky girl!)
For me, I have read a lot in the past three hours-- yes, I know, I need to get off for a good night's rest, but come on! There are so many things to look at and trust me... my need to stay up way past my “bedtime” is just like my Sims on Sims 3 (inside joke since Sims 3 has that specific trait).
So, after watching American Sniper and reading countless arguments over the controversy enveloping Chris Kyle and his killer (and the movie), I decided to return to Buzzfeed and come write this. Because I always find killer articles at the weirdest of times; usually those times are late at night, when nothing else is happening.

QUIZ TIME! (yet again)
Can We Guess How You Seduce People?” Unisex title, curious me, and the fact I don't really even know my own seduction skill-- or if I have one. Plus, I'm a young child--- I have never seduced a human in my life except that awkward time where it seemed like I was... and I wasn't. However, seeing what my innocence will get me... that's interesting.

 “Pick a sexy seduction outfit” first off: I love the fact they didn't limit the outfits to just ones accompanied by stick figure models! We have the first one representing some fantasy-like porno-style girl in lace, the second in a beautifully fitting lace getup, the third in a red, attractive midi, the fourth in some wild outfit that would fit DWTS, the fifth reminds me of either Irishman or Tinkerbell, and lastly... the one that remids me of normal office attire. Which do I pick? Lacey #2. You can't seduce as Tinkerbell. That red is an attractive color (psych fact), the DWTS outfit reminds me of dancing only, the office outfit reminds me of an office job and death-- and I can't imagine me ever wearing porno-styled clothing. Note, I've disappointed a younger me once before... let's not go down that path once again.

“Where do you pick people up?” Off street corners, duh.
The club wouldn't be my jam – mainly because I hate rooms filled with numerous sweaty humans, the bookstore is too calming to host something for seduction (unless it's a porno), the cafe is too childish and fanfiction-like, open mic night sounds cute as hell (because Hell is filled with kitties, y'know), hotel bar sounds creepy, and anywhere... anywhere is the filler.

 “What food is better than sex?” Although I'm a virgin, it is a proven and almost promised fact that sex is satisfying and very rewarding. My family would be proud of that sentence, huh?
The foods listed are: oysters (which are ill-famously known to be an aphrodisiac), salmon (why), cheesecake, nutella, caviar, or pizza.
     Oysters are one of the most well-known myth foods for aphrodisiac-filled lists, then salmon just reminds me of the color and the fact it's taste gets bland (how is that comparable to sex, unless your sex life sucks?), cheesecake would be top contenter at this point, nutella is nasty in my book and ew, caviar is just... meh, and pizza is nommy. So, to me, it's either sugar heaven (which I'm not a super fan of sugar) or pizza and I'm pretty sure the last contender wins my heart over for “what's better than sex”. I'm kinda setting my future sex life standards pretty high...
     …my parents would be proud of my narration.
“What's your dream job?” Well, I basically want to help run an entertainment business with Kat, to expand into Korean music and Global KPOP, as well as help those like me who have big dreams and little success; then I also plan to be an award-winning author and write my family's deranged history into a series; I plan to rule the world of animals and write a children's series based on animals; I love psych stuff, so basing a job in that area would be perfec---- okay. So. Model, prefessor, actor, pop diva, CEO, therapist. Model, nah. Professor, nah – I would kill myself. Actor, maybe. It's a dream, too. Pop diva, duh. CEO, duh. Therapist, duh. So, what the hell do I choose?! Here's where tired me bugs out and goes for that stupid “eenie meanie miney moe” thing and--- I should just choose singing. Mona Oklahoma, y'all.

 “Pick a pair of 'come hither' eyes” holy shit there are humans who still say “hither” hell yes!
     Option one is pretty blue eyes that scream “I'm seducing you come here and touch my seductive body and pretty face aw yiss”. Option two is a chick wearing glasses, with Twilight-based eye color, and porcelain skin. Third is my color eyes, daring eyes, and I like it. Fourth is dark eyes, almost “I want to look sexy but I'm really confused”. Fifth looks like she is doing a typical model pose with her mouth open. Lastly... sixth looks like she's in Heaven.
I choose three. Confusion is my life, in a ways, but I'd rather be like “i am awkwardly asking you to come here with these eyes and you can't tell i'm awkward but I am”. I'm pretty sure - in comparison - that most would chose the sexy eyes that dare the man.

 “What song do you get it on to?”
Hmm... Dream sex song? If you know me... you know I am not too up-to-date on American music- or just English-based music in general, but according to this quiz... I'm a lot like Madonaa, and I described myself as prismatic. I digress. I have no idea what “Talking Body” is but it sounds sexual; “Style” by T-Swift I know and I can only think of the commercial it's on; “All About That Bass” reminds me of body issues; “One Last Time” is by Ariana Grande and she's pretty but sometimes I really don't like her; “Earned It” makes me think I'm a dog and I earned a treat; “Shut Up and Dance” sounds fun. I like dancing. What are the lyrics?
“Which celeb could you probably get with?” Oh hot damn.
    Chris Pratt is option one – he is nice looking and I like his genetic structure. :) Bill Nye is awesome, but I'm not that desperate-- Joel McHale has always reminded me of how assholes are... JT is attractive but not Zoe-wants-you attractive, ya feel me? Jay Z-- hell to the nah. And lastly... Degrassi's injured kid, Drake. Nah, mayne. I choose Chris Pratt. Assuming he can handle the pedo charges. (:
     Apparently, thanks to my love of lace, my decision to pick a hero, my favorite eye color, and my incessant need to be famous... that's what seduces the sexual partners I will get. And by “that”, I mean my honesty. I'm pretty sure I'd be all “is this right are you feeling good are you okay am I okay is this okay” and then I'd laugh later on at how awkward I truly was. Coming in late is me. Heh.
Just think, little 'ol me with the futuristic Nobel Prize in Cats would get freaky to “Shut Up and Dance” and question humanity and why sex is so exciting because you get sweaty and I feel asexual right now but I'm pretty sure pizza is better than sex--- I'm sure any other person whose had sex would quickly disagree, but that's okay. I like being in my own canoe. I am anyways, and even a quiz can tell. 

     Now, let's discuss some other things thanks to Buzzfeed. Cults- cults is a topic I like to discuss and read about, especially when there's a title saying “Which Cult Should You Join?”      Like--- hell yeah! As I sit here with one of my many annoying kittens (dutifully named Violet after a color I love), I decide my first move: who my leader is. That's like asking what religion I'm in. And out of the six significant and relatively odd leaders... I choose Lucifer, only because I'm talking about the Lucifer mainly described in Supernatural... and the fact his character throughout every bit of fiction is usually awesome. “Father Ra-Veg” sounds like a legit-ass name to follow though. Unlike “Norman” with his long, flowing mane and ugly ass glasses, “Father Ra-Veg” has got the odd facial expressions and a questionable beard.
     Next is picking the deity. I recommend you do that first, instead of choosing a leader. We've got the best options: leader that is so vague it's like saying “God”, we have the greed in our souls, we've got Norman again, sustenance which only reminds me of weird people, Satan, and The Mother Sphere. The Mother Sphere would be awesome to look to, like my ancestors once did; Mama Earth is important and we must take care of her. So, with Lucifer as my leader, I provide love and help to The Mother Sphere. Amen.
    Afterlife now; Planet Flahssi sounds cool. Generic Heaven is my golden gate. The Dark Paradise sounds like a rock album. Crystalline Reincar-- I want to be reincarnated, but not into a butterfly. I love butterflies but they die too easily. Shrimp-- they have fucking shrimp as an option. My afterlife will be short-lived as a shrimp of the seas. And then there's the whole realistic thing: dead in yo tomb. I think The Dark Paradise fits my mood. And I am already following Lucifer, so might as well reside in this dark palace after life. And while we're at it, let's choose my symbol-- Norman is yet again an option and I'm pretty sure he is tempting everyone. But, The All-Seeing Eyeamid is my heart and soul. Illuminati ftw.
     ...So, by following Satan, living in a hot world, prancing around with my symbol of the Illuminati, what shall my new dress be? Satan can't enter your body without permission, but demons sure can, so the nudity is out. Most expensive suit? Hell nah. Shroud? Now we're talking. Only because Old Navy isn't appealing, foil negawave may burn me alive, and I would wear a pretty pastel prairie dress, but it might get ashy. And then my lifestyle must reflect my outfit, too, right? I mean, down there and up here, I'll be rocking the lifestyle of not the all-you-can-eat-buffet or participating in orgies (you're welcome, fambam), but I also won't live the closed-door conferences because I'm not ruler yet. And I may now sing of Norman, since it's an option. That or making death happen. I may just sing of Norm. Nah, death is life, man.

YOU GOT: The Darkest Shadowwalkers of Total Black Darkness Death. A secret underground cult that stretches back to the 1200s (or more likely 1989). The Dark Ones require new members to sacrifice a living creature (most choose spiders). They worship Lucifer (Anderson) and believe Hell is a paradise. They want you to be scared of them.
>> Yes, fear me and my new lifestyle, bitches. B|

   All in all... I found weird stuff and I am weird. It the quirks I look back and chuckle over becaause... well... they're amusing. #conceitedmuch? That's it for this part, though. 

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