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Chocolat, A Meaning, and Korean.
Sunday, January 25, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

        안녕하세요! Hello, to anyone reading this. And future me, of course.
    The day before yesterday was a terrible, Hellacious day, but nonetheless, I’m aiming high once again today and I’m sharing some news. First off, I saw harsh comment, and very funny ones, from the topic of Chocolat. If you don’t know, Chocolat is a girl group from South Korea, debuting in 2012 with Syndrome (and our little sweet named Melanie revealed they didn’t like the concept at first). Chocolat became a love to me thanks to a friend. I had two friends who adored the nugu group and I fell in love. Over time, Jaeyoon, out power vocal, and the group itself would only appear every year. Black Tinkerbell is probably their best song yet, and it was left to the four – Min Soa, Juliane, Tia, and Melanie. I admit, I miss them terribly and did everything in my power to find them. Their close friend, Jay of BTL, always commented back to fans of theirs and to the girls. And I never got caught up in the onehallyu scene and talked to them but once, when Bunny Senpai hired me on. I cried knowing I failed her miserably, but with my horrid luck, my power was wonky with the return of Chocolat, and I did get to hear and record the radio show but someone uploaded earlier. Better connections, and unlucky me.
    I followed Chocolat, and their newest member, Lori, who was first revealed as a trainee (us speculators of her being an original Chocolat girl was blow away with our prediction when the truth came out). Lori was very friendly and overly kind and just a great friend. I talked to her over Pretty Little Liars and cats – I adore cats, obviously. But I talked to Lori a bit and even did a favor for a friend and sent Lori a YouTube link of her singing, to get advice. But, as soon as Lori was found out about, fans crowded her and all Hell broke loose. Even with Jay, all Hell broke loose. At one point, he told me about him hanging with his members, but seconds later deleted the  comment. Trainees who haven’t been revealed yet often aren’t supposed to do that, and I completely understand his mistake. I wasn’t pushy. I just sent a ‘ㅎㅎ I see what you did’ and moved on. But I saw, and probably was a part of in their eyes, the movement that sent fans chaotically rushed to Lori. Then Melanie revealed her “rumored” boyfriend and fans went stark-raving mad. I adore the girls, and I know I seemed pushy to Lori once I tried to get her to talk to me again. But from the agitation of other fans asking loads of questions, and her probably revealing way too much too soon… I was pushed aside and forgotten. I didn’
    Then after Melanie released the official announcement that her and Matt were dating, fans went wild. I watched, I was excited to see she was so happy! But as far as the bf/gf thing goes with K-fans… there were hundreds of questions, comments, and the nonstop “when will chocolat return” questions and it was drowning them. I knew that. I understood. And as a Leader to the Chocolat main fanpage, I saved pictures for the sake of the site. And then more Hell broke loose when Lori talked to her personal friends on her open account. Melanie got hacked, she recreated an account, and I blame myself for outing her. I don’t know which it was that messaged Melanie back, but I commented “I see you” and before I knew it, mass media of Chocolatiers were messaging her. And I felt so guilty and awful. I felt like a bitch. I felt like some sasaeng.
    And with her and Matt, he got messages. Their Instagrams? Hundreds of messages over months’ time. Melanie deleted her Instagram, and now has a new one. I saw fans already hounding her, after stalking Matt, which I did, too. I admit it that I followed her, her friends, Lori, Tia, Matt – I followed them not to stalk, but to see Melanie and Matt’s happiness; to see Lori with her friends and being happy. As a Korean idol, you display the image of your stage self. And fans want to see your reality. And I hate that modern technology has pushed us to where we an access anything and I’m a reminder of how horrible that is. Other fans are worse though, but I admit I followed them. I admit I messaged some of their Osan friends and surrounding areas. I didn’t message about Chocolat, though. I had seen how they were normal, and how some of their close friends wanted to fight off these crazy fans. I admired them tremendously and just wanted to tell them thank you and you’re pretty. But I bet they saw me differently, as I would to someone like me.

    It was this morning that I saw the comment that made me laugh too much. Someone asked when Chocolat was returning, and a friend replied, “will you ever shut up about it” whereas another person said “chocolat has already expired” followed by Matt telling the friend “weak”. I laughed too much. And then I went to check Matt’s page, out of wanting to know if he and Melanie were still together. And I saw her beautiful face radiating on the page. Melanie is such a beautiful girl, as is Tia, and Lori. And what saddens me is that I never get to see Min Soa or Juliane and it hurts me internally. I love the girls and admire them, and as a fan that’s what we do. Fans aren’t friends, it’s true, but it’s the admiration and support we give that makes us a seemingly masked friend to anyone.

    Tia, I talked to you a few times and you are such a sweetie. You keep up with fans, you update, you’re amazing at your jobs, and you’re so smart (and a great dancer – me gusta dancers okay.)
    Lori, I do miss our talks. Even with your big sister, I miss that. If I got on your nerves, I’m so sorry... I know during that time, others sent you nonstop messages, but I wasn’t doing it to be creepy. I sent some questions for the website for Chocolat, and then I wanted to talk like any other person would. And we did. Even before the storm hit. Just know that it was fun talking about PLL and cats and I loved seeing Henna from Haley. And keep taking pics of cats. I miss them!
    Melanie. I am so sorry for what has come out of the fans and how you’ve had to maximum secure your accounts. I apologize for the entire fandom. I hope you are well, I hope you keep smiling. I hope you still sing and live whatever dreams you have. You and Matt are so sweet and I am so happy your friends are supportive of everything in your life.
    Juliane, I miss your face. You are beautiful, good with dance, have a lovely voice, and I loved the episodes of Dream Team 2. I wish you weren’t such an ahjumma and would get online, 언니님.
    Min Soa, you shining star. I loved your acting, and hope if that’s your goal, go for it! I miss your voice and your face lighting up our screens. 너는 너무 예쁜니과 대박있어요~! 보고싶어요… 너는 유성이에요. 사랑해요 민소아언니님~ 진짜 보고싶당…
    쇼콜라에게… 우리의 바이어스… 우리는 항상 사랑합니다. 우리는 여기있습니다. 쇼콜라 걸그룹 열심이 할 수 없어요 하지만 우리는 열심이 많이많이 널 사랑합니까. 쇼콜라티어들 많이 죄성합니다. 나는 죄성합니다. 너의 인생이는 너의입니다. 우리는 판덤이다있어… 끼어 들다 해선 않된다. 사랑합니다. 미소짓다! 화이팅!

    Currently, yes, Melanie and Matt are still together, after a year. Lori is still stunning. Tia is always on the go and beautiful. I rarely hear any news of the rest of Chocolat. Please don’t intrude and ruin it for the rest of Chocolatiers, guys. Be kind and be nice. Asking about their return everyday, all day is bullshit.

    Also, go to Instagram and lookup chocolat_memes, because they are cute. This is the cutest video ever of MattLanie couple.

    Now, for my intentions and purposes for things related to anything Korean:
I LOVE THE KOREAN CULTURE. And I have started research into other Asian cultures as well. I’m just that type of person; to learn and observe. And I followed Chocolat’s personal friends not out of stalkership, but out of the fact I loved their pictures and they are hella pretty. So, I’m going to follow them and tell them they are pretty. I do that to random people. Instragram isn’t just personal friends and whatnot – people should know that the moment they sign up. And I would unfollow – I don’t even get on Insta anymore, except on my computer to check up on Tia and Lori.
    The Korean culture and learning Korean has been my passion since I learned of KPOP. I simply wanted to learn Korean to understand the music. To understand the shows they put up and the movies I fell in love with. I wanted to read my bias’s tweets. I wanted to understand Weibo posts. And after I connected with two other amazing girls, plus another, we decided to start a group. A girl group. And I started making a company with one of them. Legit stuff, not toying around. I’ve met amazing people, even in Korea, through KPOP and I’m not stopping with finding out Korean information or looking through instragrams and seeing beautiful people vlog and take pics of their daily lives.
    One day, it was my main priority to go to Korea and live. With my group and work and perform. Don’t say it isn’t possibly because a number of Americans/Canadians/ and more live there and they’re not Asian. Like me. As an admin of a site, I do tend to look out for my bias’s and as someone who wanted updated, I stalked their account. Fans do that. I didn’t do anything in a sasaeng way. If I were looking for personal addresses and emails and phone numbers, then that would be sasaeng-y. I did see the personal Snapchats, but I don’t like Snapchat, and I saw them out of chance. Because people aren’t careful with info these days.

    That’s for this. I miss Chocolat. I miss a friend who linked me to Chocolat. I don’t miss the fandom, some in it, but not the entire fandom. And I miss the old days. But times have passed and changed and here we are, watching fans still annoy the shit out of not only Lori and Tia, but friends of theirs.

Love Always,

t want her thinking I was a stalker, or a 사생 (sasaeng) fan, and I cried internally, knowing she probably thought I was creepy.

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