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It's Nearly 2AM; Hungry, Pissed, and Steroids. || Update / Rant
Monday, October 17, 2016 | 0 Word(s)

     Over the course of my JDM life (roughly eight years now) I've been on a cocktail of meds. From high doses to low doses; mild risks to extreme risks; I've been prescribed an abundance of medications for various reasons and I have either took notice or haven't. I digress on this: some pills leave more... impressionable marks than others.
     As I was beginning my pre-teen and then teen years with JDM, I don't have the perspective of what it's like to grow up with JDM as a child, or how meds affected me then. I do have the perspective of the "kid with the red face," however, and that's not a fun thing to be stuck with. But most pale face gingers know that to ring true.
    So, where am I going with this, huh?
    I have been on steroids since day one of my treatments. Solumedrol, prednisone, prednisolone, something-else-one-or-something-or-other; mainly solumedrol and prednisone have played a rather important role in my JDM life. Not only do steroids make you gain weight, you can lose it, too. Coming from a family with a wide array of body types, I had been more prone to chubbiness, and although throughout my JDM years I've suffered on both ends of the weight spectrum... I still feel ashamed when the 'roids pack on pounds for me. I'm a typical girl who tries to love her body regardless, but still wants to work to maintain a body she appreciates. I'm not going to sugarcoat that any more than it may seem. I do genuinely love my body, because it's mine, and it is what I basically live in, you know? But I have often felt the societal pressures of wanting to lose weight -- that's a whole big long topic of how young Zoe nearly had a full-blown eating disorder thanks to school, society, the meds, and her ego.
     For the most part, as I'm nineteen now, and I've been on the bigger side of my weight for nearly three years now, I struggle at times to love myself the way I am. I do sit idle a lot, but even if it seems that's all I do in life -- exist and eat and sleep or whatever -- that's not the full story. I am active. Just as active as I was sitting in high school for eight hours and walking from class to class, if not more active. And yet, you gotta know that it stings a little how the meds just pack on weight from all you take in despite profusely trying to strengthen the muscles and work the fat away. I feel like a lump of clay, being molding by JDM sometimes; it's not a bad thing, but it's not my ideal situation at hand. I'd love to lose weight, and I try my best to start doing more intense things to work out, like a normal person would...
      Then JDM smacks me in the face, says, "bitch, not today or ever" and casually progresses to throw new things into my life. On top of my failing self-love at the moment, I now have issues regarding acid reflux and my esophagus. Weeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm joyous on so many levels (can you tell that is sarcasm-?)
     I have ranged in the 170s to 180s in weight. Which sucks like no other because the main fat on my body - thanks genes - lies in my boobs and my abdomen. I have no butt, thanks Nannie, and I have okay legs than have been weird since forever. My arms are fat, yes, and aside from that, my tummy, and my boobs... I mean, I have my torso and it is fat. There we go. Honest Zoe. My torso is fat and squishy and although I try to keep my mantra of, "I wouldn't call my children or cats or anyone fat and disregard their pain or comments or talk trash to them, so why should I to myself and not love me?"
      ...sigh. I still struggle. Anyone would, right?
      And you know what really grinds my gears with the steroids? They make me hungry all the time and even if I ate crackers -- which I did mostly throughout my final years of high school -- I still gain a shit ton of weight and nothing gets it off. I sweat, I do yoga, I am up most of the day doing some something to get myself going, and I always try to do dance breaks. Extreme KPOP dance breaks and anyone who knows KPOP knows that KPOP dances are legit tough, but legit fun, amirite? No?
      I was doing so well. I was loving myself, losing a bit of weight, and then I was kicked off insurance and the whole shabang went down and 60mgs of 'roids a day is a lot and is expected to push my weird body into food-wanting-overdrive, and I do resist a lot of the time, but... but... It is two in the morning and I've been hungry since four in the afternoon yesterday. The. Struggle. Is. Real. My. Friends. It's real and a bitch and I don't like it.
     And with the acid reflux taking a turn for the worst and I've literally choked too much from the simplest foods... will I starve and lose weight that way? I mean this as no joke and not harshly, but it's just--- my body is weird. JDM is weird. Actually, it's the meds and the issues I get because of JDM that is weird. My JDM right now is okay... I hope. I haven't had routine blood tests to see in months now. Joy to the world, this isn't the state of "OK" I wanted to find myself in after high school.

     Until next time and another rant,
let's hope I can avoid binging and sleep this away.

p.s. Carmilla and SNSD videos for three hours and then reading Harry Potter fanfiction isn't the best solution, but it helps ease my mental agony of wanting to eat when I shouldn't be. That's all. ^__^

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