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Song Writing Challenge - Stolen from DGNA_Love || SPN version
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

Pick a pairing or fandom you like
Turn your music player on and turn it to random
Write a drabble/ficlet to each song that plays.
You only have the duration of the song; when it starts you start and when it stops you stop.
No lingering after! No matter how weird, horrid or whacked out your drabble/ficlet is
Do ten of these and then post them!
This is AFF, and I should be doing my fave OTP or something… or a certain group, but this only says pairing or fandom and I’m loophole-ing my way out and taking the highway to hell ba dum tsss~

Supernatural. SPN fans. This is for you. I’m choosing that fandom, but doing multiple pairings. Except, I shall list them first. Then let my phone play and choose the fate of it all.
  1. Famed Destiel bitches.
  2. DeanxJo
  3. SamxRuby
  4. Another Destiel
  5. Megstiel
  6. Sam/Lucifer
  7. Destiel but Demon!Dean and Angel!Castiel
  8. Crowley / Dean
  9. Team Free Will
  10. Dean/Anna

Satellite Heart – Anya Marina | Destiel
    Dean sat at the table, drinking his usual, waiting to hear from Sam over the current case. He hadn’t seen Castiel in days, hearing that he was upset over Hannah leaving. And though he wasn’t thrilled that Hannah returned to Heaven, he was filled with a mixture of jealousy and a weird antsy feeling that Castiel wasn’t with Hannah anymore. The jealousy part had faded, but it was still there, hurting in a way. He cared for Cas, but he didn’t love him, right? Oh, no, he’d correct his mind; shaking his head to throw the thoughts far away, only to make them rumble around in his head even more. He just wanted to see Cas, to see him back to his old self and not caring that Hannah made that instantaneous decision. What he didn’t know what the feelings that built up between the two angels on their small journey. And those thoughts of possibilities ached Dean. But he swore to himself it was just friendship jealously. That’s all…. Right?

Airplane – B.o.B ft. Hailey Williams | Dean x Jo
    It had been years since Jo Harvelle died. It had been years and the pain still ached both Dean and Sam to their very inner core. And what souls they had left. And Dean could count all the snide remarks and teasing Jo would send his way if she saw him now. He’d laugh, ruffling her hair, and joking back, say something like, “You want to carry the Mark of Cain for awhile then?” But he couldn’t. And even after all this time, he’d pray up to Jo and Ellen, thanking them for that day. And he’d hope the two angels would hear his soft words that barely left his mouth.
    It was that fateful night that Dean was upset over nearly going back to his demon self, that he nearly cried in his room, hands to his eyes; he heard that ever so familiar voice drawing his head up. “You’re strong, Dean. It’s not something you can just get over.” And she wasn’t there, but he felt the words hit him and a sob swell up in his chest.

Broken – Seether ft. Amy Lee | Sam x Ruby
    Years. Something Sam shared with Dean when it came to loves. His regretful love towards a particular demon would come back at unexpecting moments when something would happen that reminded Sam of those days. Those days weren’t the best; killing, murdering, drinking demon blood, having such telekinetic powers throb through his veins and what soul he had then. Ruby supported him, with fake words, and sex, and pain. She urged him on. All to be betrayed in the end. Sam knew Ruby wasn’t one he should love, but that lust and odd feeling of attachment still haunted Sam on the weak days, the hard days, the days something strange happened and he swore he could feel her touch.
    Ruby, now a victim to the everlost dungeons of Hell, where Crowley threw her, wasn’t dead nor alive. She suffered. Her worship towards Lilith got her here… but was it worth it? Was her attachment to that poor, pitiful Winchester boy worth it? She could admit the lust towards him. And she missed the touch; the panting in between intimate moments where she swore she was human again. But it was worth the deception and pain; to break the final seal. Only to be cheated again. And she swore… nothing was worth it after that.

Anything Could Happen – Ellie Goulding | another Destiel
    Dean Winchester was a normal, rebellious teen, locked in Kansas. His younger brother was a nerd; he’d been away at some speech event and though Dean usually supported him and followed along, he was forbidden after last time. And that was okay.
    But this night was date night. Dean, openly known to follow the beat of his own drum, had caught sight of an attractive young man who was in most of his classes now that he had transferred from some high demand prep school over in Kansas City or something. And Dean pursued him. And Cas wasn’t sure what he thought of sexuality, but he knew he had a gay cousin. And he wasn’t sure if this was a sexual encounter or some weird thing, but nerves set in because this handsomely darksenior asked him over to his place. Dean. His name.
   The first meeting was cute. The second was delirious. The tenth was tonight. And tonight was going to be different from every other party, or encounter, or anything. Dean had an actual interest in this Cas guy and wanted to know him, not just fuck around with him. No. This Cas was different. Anything could happen.

Click Me – Zion.T ft. Dok2 | Megstiel
    Who was the cute, yet snarky fake redhead in Castiel’s US Government class? She, had sadly, been addressed to an assigned seat, in front of Castiel. He always sat near the front – not on the front row, just in case Mr. Hawthorne decided to come stand near him. He didn’t want to hear of baseball or weird things. He hated this class because of the bias of the teacher. And snarky Meg had already caused a ruckus amongst the class – suggesting religion was so stupid and caused all these problems. Everyone fought. And though Cas was genuinely offended (he was raised Christian and devoted) – he was interested in Meg’s point of view and how different she was towards life here. Kansas wasn’t the most religious of the Bible Belt, but to set foot in a school that was… risky.
   “What about you Castiel?” Hawthorne asked and Meg turned to him, curious. Cas froze. He wanted to hear her words, yet he was afraid to even bring up this topic. Meg stared, smirking.

Lonely – 2NE1 | Sam / Lucifer
    Sam had had an “invisible friend” since he was sixteen. He was now twenty-seven. The “friend” had come and gone and it literally drove him crazy at points. And it was this inevitably fateful day that said friend returned to Sam once again. A birthday, where Sam was driving home to his parents and hopefully to see his older brother – they didn’t keep in contact because Sam always acted so “smart and too good for anyone” and he was offended.
   “Sammy!” came the voice, nearly causing Sam to swerve into the other lane. No one was coming, no one behind, so he was thankful nothing happened.
    “What?” came his crackily voice. He saw his friend in the passenger seat, grinning so wide it was nearly creepy.
    “I’m lonely… why don’t you talk to me anymore, Sammy?”
    Sam wanted to roll the car, damage his brain, and get rid of the figment. No psychiatrist ever helped and Sam knew he was batshit crazy.
    “Sammy~” he cooed.
    “Shut up, Lucifer!”
    “Awe… he told me to shut up!” Lucifer smiled, holding his hand over the spot where his heart should be.

Love Love Love – Roy Kim | Destiel as Demon!Dean and Angel!Castiel
    Though Sam Winchester was visably shaken and upset about regaining his brother, only to witness his body and soul turned to coal; being a demon. Sam researched and looked up things and asked Cas, who never had a good reply, he had to turn Dean back.
    After days, when Dean nearly killed his little brother (that was the saddest, most heart wrenching thing to Cas; to witness the man who loved his brother so much nearly kill him); the day Cas grabbed Deanmon and hugged him tight, whispering over and over that it was over. Sam looked so rattled and scared as he took Dean’s knife and backed away. Dean and Cas lit up and Dean’s black eyes were fading and Cas was putting so much of himself into Dean to try and pry that damned mark from Dean’s soul. He had to have the old boy back that he adored and was so bonded to. And Sam was afraid this would end both of them. But it didn’t. And Dean changed and Sam swore it was because of Cas. He knew it was.

Russian Roulette – Spica | Crowley & Dean
    Crowley had to admit… it was fun playing around with Dean, getting chicks every night, drinking and drinking, ordering his minions around and rubbing this awesome prodigy in their faces. He admired how charming Dean could be. But it wasn’t until Dean started killing bad guys that Crowley took notice. As King of Hell, killing the bad kids was an okay thing, but catching those at sudden moments, or the ones who were so innocent and blind was more fun. And yet he witnessed Dean go around killing guys in the act and leaving his face all over cameras and whatnot. That damned younger Winchester would see. And Crowley figured he’d have to shut Dean down or limit him to some place better – Purgatory, maybe? It was risky. Crowley knew that within an instant Dean could murder him, cutting his head off and sending the bastard anywhere… and he didn’t really want to risk his throne because he told Dean Winchester to stop.
    It was in the chamber, where his throne was, where he heard complaint after complaint from demons over Dean, and he spun his knife around, rolling his eyes. Did they not realize how risky this was?

Bad Girl Good Girl – miss A | Team Free Will
   Team Free Will was back in action. Dean wasn’t a demon anymore (slightly, though no one knew that), Sam was still tall and like a moose, and Cas was sad from Hannah’s departure. But TFW was back and badass. Sam and Dean captured the bad version of Charlie and saved Oz, they helped Cas’s vessel’s daughter recover, and more. So what now? What was there to do? A Hell of a lot, truthfully. But they ended up in a bar, it had karaoke, and Cas was up right now. Sam chose the song. Some girly song. Cas, of course, didn’t know it. So this was-
[I sang and danced to the song and don’t care to finish this.]

틈 – Urban Zapaka & Soyu | Dean & Anna
   Anna was another light in Dean’s life that ended suddenly, and it was another farewell love. But years later, Anna returned, thanking Dean and spending another night with him – though nothing intimate happened. They talked, and Dean cried over things he hadn’t thought of in so long. Anna had sensed his shaken, upset state, and she wanted to comfort him. Cas wasn’t able right now, and Sam would be given a fake smile by Dean. So, as the sweet angel she’d always been (seemingly following Castiel’s role), she’d come down to help Dean and give him the love he needed right then. She felt his broken, raw and bloody soul and felt his pain. And she wanted to mend it, but his soul was far from a mending state of solution.
   And by the wee morning hours, Anna told Dean of how there was still a long life of strife and war ahead and things were far from over. And she spoke of how she wished she could save the two boys from harm. She was answered with, “It’s our fate. I’m Michael’s, Sammy is Lucifer’s. Simple.” And Anna felt her heart clench. This boy was broken and far from fixing, but she felt his thankfulness and smiled to him.

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