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Belief-O-Matic || What Am I?
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 | 0 Word(s)

    Woo-hoo! Bible Belt, America. Where all those wacky religious freaks are. And I'm in a Southern state, grew up a Christian, and am an open-minded Earth child who should've been born in Hippie ages.

    I took the Belief-O-Matic test and here's my top scores (I took this last year, and I got something totally different!) So... here we go.

 >> Top score: Unitarian Universalist. || What is that? Weird name. 100% score for Zoe. So... what is it? Answer is simple and explains a lot about me.
   > They believe that each person is free to search for his or her own personal truth on issues, such as the existence, nature, and meaning of life, deities, creation, and afterlife. UUs can come from any religious background, and hold beliefs and adhere to morals from a variety of cultures or religion.   > Holy- wow. Right? Back then (last year) I didn't see this on the list, but I was very open minded. Later on, I became more and more open to the world, as to myself also. And now I'm seeing this finally. Kinda mad that I'm only getting to this now. Bleh. But it's awesome, huh?

>> Second, 81%, Liberal Quakerism and Taoism.
  > LQ; Diverse beliefs, from belief in a personal God as an incorporeal spirit to questioning belief in a personal God. Most believe we are all sons and daughters of God. the Light within is accessible to us all. Believe God created the world, but also trust scientists. Few liberal Quakers believe in direct reward and punishment, heaven and hell, or second coming of Christ. Primary focus is nondogmatic: God is love, love is eternal, and our actions in life should reflect love for all of humanity.
  > Taoism; is a philosophical, ethical, political and religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (Dao).

>> Third, 80%, Mahayana Buddhism
   > Includes diverse beliefs; the main Mahayana sects include Pure Land, Zen, and Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhism. Believe many countless Buddhas have been on Earth. Like the Theravada, they posit no Creator or ruler God. However, deity belief is present in the Mahayana doctrine of The Three Bodies (forms) of Buddha: Body of Essense, Body of Bliss or Enjoyment, Body of Transformation or Emanation. First is the indescribably, impersonal Absolute Reality or Ultimate Truth that is Nirvana. Second is Buddha as divine, deity, formless, celestial spirit with saving power of grace, omnipotence, omniscience. Third is an illusion or emanation in human form provided by the divine Buddha to guide humans to Enlightenment. They believe in the illusion to ultimate reality. Life after death isn't immediate; negative mental states persist through continual rebirth until one's intentions become wholesom. Once fully enlightened, one is liberated from rebirths, reaching a state of absolut selflessness resulting in ultimate bliss called Nirvana. One becomes Buddha. (Beautiful, huh?)
>> Fourth, 79%, Theravada Buddhism
   > Doctrine of the Elders; is the school of Buddhism that draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon, which scholars generally agree contains the earliest surviving of Buddha's teachings. Believe Four Noble Truths - Buddha's teachings. Dukkha: suffering, unsatisfactoriness, discontent, stress; the cause of dukkha: the cause of this dissatisfaction is craving (tanha) for sensuality, for states of becoming, and states of no becoming. Read more here. 
>> Five, 71% Neo-Paganism
   > Community of faiths bringing ancient Pagan and magickal traditions to the modern age - including mostly Wicca but also Druidism, Asatru, Shamaism, neo-Native American, and more. Neo-Pagan is an umbrella term for various and diverse beliefs with many elements in common. Some Neo-Pagans find no incongruence practicing Neo-Paganism along with adherence to another faith, such as Christianity or Judaism. Some believe in a Supreme being, many believe in a God and Goddess. Many believe in countless spiritual beings. No human incarnations are worshipped. After death, they believe in reincarnation after some rest and recovery in the Otherworld. Evil is imbalance.

Other rankings?
22% Seventh-day Aventists, 19% Baha'i Faith, 34% Roman Catholic, 38% Church of Christ, Scientist, 37% Conservative Christian Protestant, 34% Eastern Orthodox Christianity, 67% Hindu, 19% Islam, 34% Jainism, 58% Liberal Christian Protestantism, 43% Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 57% New Age, 49% New Thought, 40% Atheism, 51% Orthodoz Judaism, 30% Orthodox Quakerism, 70% Reformed Judaism, 42% Scientology, 58% Secular Humanism, 62% Sikhism, 34% Jehova's Witnesses.

google's instant search results
religions' official websites

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